Thursday, December 20, 2012

Finding the Wonderful

As I've mentioned, I work in a public library.  To be specific, I work in the basement of the public library, which holds the reference collection, the movie, audiobook, music collections, as well as the public access internet computers.  It's a busy place.  Like any worker behind a public service desk, I meet many kinds of wonderful people.  I also meet a few kinds of people who need some more help to find their 'wonderful' side.

Last night, I might have met the Spirit of Christmas.

This cute little guy about six came up to the counter, reached up to hand me a candy cane and wished me a heartfelt 'Merry Christmas'!   My face exploded into a smile and I burst out 'Oh, thank you! Aren't you just a bundle of JOY?!!!'.  He absolutely beamed at this.  I saw he was carrying a big red-ribboned basket full of candy canes and was making the rounds to every patron and staff in the library.

There's the MAGIC of CHRISTMAS...I'm still smiling about this one. 

His mom that was standing quietly a few feet away deserves big kudos.  She's helped her son find that the true spirit of the season is to be found in spreading some Joy to his community, rather than spreading some money around the mall.

When I think about it, the more actions like this by more people and we could all move a little closer to our 'wonderful' sides.

Christmas has different meaning to each of us who recognize that day.  Some make the season last for at least a month of extravagant festivities, while others feel Dec 25th approach with a sad ache and feel relief on Dec 26th.

I don't think of myself as a religious person, but at times I find myself praying.  I follow a great cooking blog written by some lovely Mennonite women.  Every Sunday, their spiritual post is called 'Bread for the Journey'.  I did find comfort in their post this past Sunday.  Perhaps you will, too.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I Borrowed a Back Yard

It's very rare that we get away, but hubby and I managed to slip away to Niagara Falls, Ontario last weekend.  It had been 31 years since my last visit.


Niagara Falls is the Honeymoon Capital of the World. wasn't my honeymoon then, either.  This time, though, the hotel was significantly classier and the view from the room was much better.  Not the backyard that I want to wake up to on a daily basis, but for a night or two, it's wonderful.

We even paid $15 to park right down by the Falls on Saturday.  The trees were ice-covered, the walking treacherous and we got soaking wet.  No crowds, though! 
It was great to get away, even for a brief escape.  

I found this young partridge out and about in the yard today.  Looking for the pear tree perhaps?  (Not in this climate, buddy!)
I'm weaving bookmarks.  At one time, I thought weaving bookmarks or teatowels was a waste of time and talent.  However, over the years I have been given an assortment of handwoven bookmarks from weaving friends and I can remember their thoughtfulness everytime I move a bookmark from page to page.

The mint coloured bookmark was given to me by a weaving acquaintance a few years ago.  I am using her weaving pattern but using different colours of thread.  It's surprising how different they look.