Last night, I might have met the Spirit of Christmas.
This cute little guy about six came up to the counter, reached up to hand me a candy cane and wished me a heartfelt 'Merry Christmas'! My face exploded into a smile and I burst out 'Oh, thank you! Aren't you just a bundle of JOY?!!!'. He absolutely beamed at this. I saw he was carrying a big red-ribboned basket full of candy canes and was making the rounds to every patron and staff in the library.
There's the MAGIC of CHRISTMAS...I'm still smiling about this one.
His mom that was standing quietly a few feet away deserves big kudos. She's helped her son find that the true spirit of the season is to be found in spreading some Joy to his community, rather than spreading some money around the mall.
When I think about it, the more actions like this by more people and we could all move a little closer to our 'wonderful' sides.
I don't think of myself as a religious person, but at times I find myself praying. I follow a great cooking blog written by some lovely Mennonite women. Every Sunday, their spiritual post is called 'Bread for the Journey'. I did find comfort in their post this past Sunday. Perhaps you will, too.