We have our own daily production here. Today's title is "Chickens Gone Bad".
While I was supposed to be catching up on some handpainting in my sunroom....
I spotted Big Red outside the pasture fence. Apparently, he and a couple of the Elsies struck out on their own. I kept an eye on them hoping that they would decide to go home on their own.
They really can't get in much trouble unless they go mess on the neighbour's deck or they venture over to our house where the dogs are sleeping on the deck.
I'm sure Big Red had big plans of starting his own coop without any male competition.
I could hear some pretty sad rooster sounds. I don't know if it was Bates back at the coop trying to figure out where his missing two hens went. Maybe it was Big Red, now regretting his idea and realizing that the two Elsies weren't the ticket to hedonistic freedom he thought they were.
Well, after a while, I couldn't see them anymore so I headed over to the barnyard to find them and herd them home. It wasn't hard.
Yep, it's been a slow day on the farm ;)
A few bellies are starting to show. Here's Makushla.
I've finished weaving my heron and black alpaca scarves. Hand twisting the fringe is not my favorite task. I find it boring and have to be in the mood to basically sit and roll my thumbs...
This one will be going in my shop.
I've also been busy skirting and sorting fleece that I bought from my friend and alpaca farmer, Sally. I know Sally from the shows and association happenings, but I've never seen her herd as she lives many hours away. I was very pleased with the fleeces that I bought from her sight unseen. It takes beautiful fleeces to make beautiful yarn, and this batch of yarn should be wonderful.
It feels like we've been living in spring for weeks now. Apparently, tomorrow is the first official day of spring. I think we are expecting cold weather and snow. Go figure...
I love the chicken saga and the fluffy feather butts running for home. The scarf is lovely, you should be proud. They're calling for snow here too - I am not looking forward to it.
Oh my goodness Norma...slow day or not, those chickens are too funny!!!
What are you hand painting...I know yarn... but such small sections???
Your scarf looks beautiful...
Thanks for the comments.
Stay tuned for more chicken sagas. (ok, I think I need to take a night course or something...I'm getting WAY to interested in the lives of these birds)...
I enjoyed your chicken photos and story. Mine have been getting out lately - spring fever! They scratch in the flower beds and dig things up! Thanks for visiting my blog. Answer to your question: Yes, the Black Welsh are true black and never go grey. They do however, get a lovely reddish frosting from the sun during the year (called Cuchdou).
Best wishes for your Cria Season!
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